Holiday backpack Drive

The DJ Rowell Foundation has always had a heart for the community and the children in it. Covid-19 took a toll on everyone! The DJ Rowell Foundation team used the crisis of Covid-19 as fuel to see how they could best serve the community!
Shortly after the hit of Covid-19, The DJ Rowell Foundation proudly partnered with major local hospitals in both North and South Carolina communities providing long-term children that would not be home for the holidays with backpacks full of joy!
The DJ Rowell Foundation is currently partnered with McLeod Children’s Hospital of Florence, Ronald McDonald House of Greenville, Prisma Health Children's Hospital of Greenville SC, Levine Children’s Hospital in Charlotte, NC, Children's National in Washington DC and more!
At least 500 bags are delivered annually to those who need a little holiday cheer!
How can you help make a difference?
Tell others about the HOLIDAY DRIVE!
If you are willing and able to donate, you can do so HERE!
Want to help spread Holiday Cheer? Contact Us!

We love to give to our community!

This is The Backpack Giveaway!

We Love Our Community!

Holiday Love!